we value our customers and take great pride in creating Unique and quality Custom orders.

Handmade beads and more
About Us
CONTACT: Roxie Leckie, Juniper Ridge Artworks, LLC at PO Box 447, Terrebonne, OR 97760
Phone: 541/410-8023, E-MAIL= juniperridgeartworks@qwestoffice.net
If you have any problems ordering from the website- please contact Roxie directly 541-410-8023. THANK YOU
Juniper Ridge Artworks, LLC was founded and abides in the heart of beautiful Central Oregon. Roxie Wortman-Leckie was born of the pairing of her passion for art and her love of animals. From a young age Roxie’s parents instilled in her the desire to do good where and when she could.
When her husband’s horse passed away she wanted him to have something to commemorate their long partnership. She took some of his horse’s hair and burned it into a glass bead which created an unexpectedly beautiful “bubbly” appearance. At that moment, Roxie decided to make Custom one-of-a-kind beads.
Roxie was making keepsake beads for her friends and family, she began to receive requests from those who had ashes of cremated animals. She experimented with the ashes and found that they gave the beads a lovely “clouded look”. In addition to the beads used for jewelry and other items, Roxie used their favorite photos to paint a keepsake glass memorial plate.
In all that Roxie does, she keeps her love of family, friendships (both the two and four legged kind), God and country foremost.
Juniper Ridge Artworks, LLC hope that you enjoy Roxie’s creations and she looks forward to helping you design an heirloom piece that will be treasured for years to come.
Please contact Roxie at PO Box 447, Terrebonne, OR 97760 or call her personal cell phone with inquiries 541-410-8023
Please have a Wonderful Day. Roxie Wortman-Leckie